Kuboraum A3 BM

Kuboraum are masks that are designed on the face of its wearers to highlight their personality and character. Mask is synonymous with mockery and game. Kuboraum masks are synonymous with protection and shelter; they are cubical rooms where we shelter ourselves, free to live our intimacy and look at the world through two lenses. All masks are entirely dreamed in Berlin, handmade in Italy – available at our boutiques.

Kuboraum Emiliano Maggi x DSML Frieze Open House




As part of Dover Street Market London’s Open House held in celebration of the Frieze Art Fair, Kuboraum unveiled a site-specific display installation together with artist Emiliano Maggi, consisting of an ecstatic ceremonial ballet of anthropo-morphic miniature glazed ceramic creatures and EyeCouture pieces, everything in a ritualistic conversation with the Kuboraum masks.

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The Kuboraum Emiliano Maggi cabinets display installation at Dover Street Market London is showcased in their basement until the end of next week. If by any chance you´re in town go check it out! We are sure it´s worth it!